Monday, August 28, 2006

Shoes for School

We went shopping for school shoes for the boys yesterday afternoon, and they had their feet measured in Clarks. Matthew’s feet hadn’t grown at all, so he didn’t need new school shoes, but he did need a new pair of trainers as he has to take trainers to school for PE this year rather than plimmies. He’s taking his old pair of trainers for running up and down a muddy footie pitch and keeping his new ones for ‘home’ wear.

Danny’s feet on the other hand (or other foot!) Have grown one and a half sizes since his shoes were fit checked eight weeks ago..... ONE AND A HALF SIZES!!! I was stunned to say the least. So he’s had new school shoes and new trainers, and new plimmies for school too. The whole lot cost me £91. And that’s a lot of school shoes.

My knitting is cranking itself out very well at the moment, and I completed the first sleeve of my mohair cardi over the weekend. Only one more sleeve and the bands and it’s done - hurrah! I seem to have got over the feeling of complete exhaustion and unwellness from my two bouts of strep throat that I’ve had recently, and the glands in my neck are finally down and staying down, so I’m feeling like getting some knitting done. (In the week the GP thought I could have Post Viral Syndrome, but I very much doubt that :-?) I don’t know how anyone else fairs with their knitting time, but I fit mine in around the family, work, house, husband and children, and sometimes knitting doesn’t feature very high on the agenda.

I’m thinking of finishing the back of the Tide cardigan though, and then putting the project on hold for a few months. I don’t think we’re going to have an Indian Summer judging by the cooler weather we’ve been having recently, and I’d like to get some cosier cardis and jackets knitted for the Winter months. Something with longer sleeves might be good and I already have some ideas floating around in my mind :)


Melody said...

Sorry DJ :-O

It's a plimsoll, little black gym shoes that children wear.

DtB xxXXxx

Seahorse said...

Glad you're feeling better!

I've got to take all my lot for new shoes/uniforms this week. Scary isn't it!!!

Anonymous said...

£91 Squid Debbie - what an expensive trip that was to Clarks ....

Melody said...

It always is with my two boys Christina - their feet obviously grow in tandem!

DtB xx

dreamcatcher said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better!

I am definitely on the "winter woollens" now too, have started a shrug in chunky yarn and am plotting what next :-) At least it's the sort of weather where you do feel like knitting!