Thursday, December 21, 2006

Diamond Wristwarmers

Yay! My diamond wristwarmers are complete:

I've really enjoyed knitting these ~ quick and easy on DPNs and very little finishing to do; I'd like to knit them again using Artesano Alpaca sometime in the New Year, maybe in a rich plum colour.

A quick current WIPs count reveals that I have finished three out of ten WIPs this week, those being the Big Wave scarf, a hat for Dan and my wristwarmers. The next two WIPs to finish have got to be the dreaded millstone socks for Dad and the bands of the merino cardigan for Mum.
I had to completely re-knit the back of the cardigan as I decided to undo the ribbing at the bottom and knit it downwards instead to counteract the flipping outwards. It was only after I'd started to unpick the welt that I remembered (too late) that ribbing can't be undone from the bottom up :-?


Melody said...

I can't publish your porno photos I'm afraid ~ but I can delete 'em really easily....

belaybunny said...

I like those wrist warmers, they look great. Wishing you and your family happy christmas and new year!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely wristwarmers!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Lovely wristwarmers Debs!
How far have you got on the socks then? lol

(who's wanting porn published??????)

Linz xxx

Melody said...

Thanks everyone! *grin*

Linz, some twit posted a huge list of porno links in the comments and said could I publish her photo - like... err... NO!

Anonymous said...

The only porn I like to see is knitting stash photos ;) lol
I hope you have a lovely Christmas Debs!

Linz xxx

Anonymous said...

Love the wristwarmers.

What a horrible comment to find on your blog about porn! I'd be really angry.

Anonymous said...

ooh those are gorgeous!!!