Monday, July 28, 2008

Of Contacts and Kittens

I had to visit the optician this lunchtime - my eyes have been constantly sore and itchy and I've had to wear my specs most of the time but can't focus up close in them, a sure sign that summink ain't right. Well the optician has given me the bad news that my prescription has changed significantly after staying the same for what seems like years, that my contact lenses have left a red area on my cornea as they are longer permeable to atmospheric gases (namely oxygen!) and are past their sell-by date, and that my eyes have changed shape. This could of course all contribute to my lenses being very uncomfortable to wear and therefore I haven't been :? thereby giving my eye strain. The upshot is that I have chosen a new pair of specs frames and they will have my new prescription in them - hurrah! I have a contact lens appointment in about ten days' time so I'll know whether I'm forever destined to wear specs or I'll be in a new pair of better fitting, new prescription, gas permeable lenses again!

And the kittens headline? Only 25 hours until we pick up our new additions to the Melody Household - two adorable girl kittens from a friend whose cat had a litter recently. We've chosen names which I'm not allowed by Melody Children Rules to tell you *rolls eyes* and in any case they might be swapped round to fit said kitties once they arrive. I promise you I'll show you piccies tomorrow when we take ownership, but for now we're off to the pet shop at the retail park to buy a vetbed fluffy mattress for them :)) I'd better store my needles and yarn safely from now on eh? LOL!

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