Thursday, June 29, 2006

Danny's Slapped Cheeks
Today's blog entry was going to be called "I Cast on What??", but events have overtaken somewhat and it's now called "Danny's Slapped Cheeks". What, you may be wondering, are those??

Well for the past few days my littlest son Danny has had a high temperature, nothing out of the ordinary in that he's a four year old and he's at playgroup with forty other children and they get the odd temperature and no-one bats an eyelid. He was sick yesterday morning and again during the night and so had to stay at home from playgroup today as he's not allowed back within 24 hours of vomiting. So he stayed at home with Daddy while Daddy worked at home. When I got back home from work at lunchtime, Danny had a faint red rash on his arms and legs, which gradually spread all over his body, back, legs and arms and all over his sweet little face. Oh, and the bright red cheeks which kind of gave me a clue to his malaise.

His temp was still high, so I called our private medical insurance helpline, and the very nice lady suggest that I take him to see a doctor - immediately.
"But I think it could be Slapped Cheek Syndrome" I said
"Ah yes, but it could be something worse" she added.

So off we went to the local Walk-in Centre as our ever helpful GP surgery is closed on Thursday afternoons (so Gawd help you if you're ever ill in our village on Thursday after lunch).

We booked in and waited and saw the triage nurse
"I think it's Slapped Cheek Syndrome?" I queried
"I think you're right. But you'll have to see the doctor" he replied

We waited. We saw the doctor, who gave Danny a thorough examination.
"I think it could be Slapped Cheek Syndrome" I was feeling a bit more confident now.
"I normally wouldn't ever agree with my patient's diagnosis" said the wonderfully dry witted doctor, "But you're right"

So Danny is off from preschool until at least Monday and the rash should be fading and he should be feeling and getting better. Lots of fluids, rest and paediatric paracetomol and ibuprofen for his temp - which automatically means more knitting time for me doesn't it?? .... ;-)

PS - I've just had mega-fun spell checking today's blog entry. At one point spell-checker wanted me to replace 'yersterday' with 'airship' - errrrrr, no, I think 'yesterday' would be a better option, don't you??


Anonymous said...

Ooo - my kids both had that and it was awful. My doctors also called it "Fifth's Disease." Weird names - go figure.

Glad to see you finally started a blog! I've read you a long time on Jon's.

Auntie Noo said...

I've never heard of that, poor little love. Welcome to the world of "Blog".

Cheryl:) said...

Yeah it's fifth disease..non contagious...won't hurt the child...just annoying...but not good for pregnant women...

Seahorse said...

Poor Danny! Hope he's feeling better soon.

Great to see you blogging at last!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Fifth Disease is contagious - I don't mean to argue or correct - but it is definitely contagious:

Anonymous said...

I thought I was a hoarder until I saw your pile!!!!What a marvelous stash you have what would I give to rummage in your cupboards!!
Keep up the blog I find it amusing and funny and you must be a lovely person too.